3 2022 2022 2022-1 차세대인공장기특론 (Development of artifical organ, Graduate major in Biotechnology at the Catholic University of Korea) 2022-1 BMCE공학수학 (Engineering Mathematics, Undergraduate major in BMCE at the Catholic University of Korea) 2022-1 열역학 (Thermodynamics, Undergraduate major in BMCE at the Catholic University of Korea) 2022-2 3D 프린팅 및 실험 (3D printing and Experiment, Undergraduate major in BMCE at the Catholic University of Korea) 2022-2 BMCE진로탐색 (BMCE career seminar, Undergraduate major in BMCE at the Catholic University of Korea) 2022-2 바이오프린팅특론 (Bioprinting and materials, Graduate major in Biotechnology at the Catholic University of Korea)
2 2021 2021 2021-1 재료공학특론 (Materials science and engineering, Graduate major in Biotechnology at the Catholic University of Korea) 2021-1 BMCE공학수학 (Engineering Mathematics, Undergraduate major in BMCE at the Catholic University of Korea) 2021-1 바이오융합소재특론 (Graduate major in Fiber-System Engineering at Dankook University) 2021-2 3D 프린팅 및 실험 (3D printing and Experiment, Undergraduate major in BMCE at the Catholic University of Korea) 2021-2 BMCE진로탐색 (BMCE career seminar, Undergraduate major in BMCE at the Catholic University of Korea) 2021-2 B3D프린팅특론 (3D printing, Graduate major in Biotechnology at the Catholic University of Korea)
1 2020 2020 2020-1 물리화학특론 (Physical Chemistry, Graduate major in Biotechnology at the Catholic University of Korea) 2020-2 생물기기분석학 (Instrumental analysis for biomaterials, Undergraduate major in Biotechnology at the Catholic University of Korea)